ACA / Under 65 Health Sales
ACA/Under 65 Health Sales:

ACA/Under 65 Health Sales:

ACA Sales Overview
Did you miss the ACA Clay’s Sales Secret’s tour this fall? Watch Clay Peek’s agent training as he presents the ACA sales opportunity.
Click “watch now” below to view the first 4 parts of the training:
- Part 1: Why ACA?
- Part 2: ACA Clay’s Sales Secrets – Selling ACA 12 mo a Year
- Part 3: Peek Performance Tools and Sales Opportunities & Testimonial
- Part 4: Closer Look at 4 Robust ACA Markets & a ‘Million Dollar ACA Agent’
- Part 5: Deep Dive into a Massive ACA Sales Space – The 4th video has ACA contracting requirements. Call our office if you need access.
Track your progress:
ACA Market Updates & Resources:
- ChatGPT ACA AI Agent
- 2024 FPL (Federal Poverty Level) Guidelines – for Coverage Year 2025
- 2023 FPL (Federal Poverty Level) Guidelines
- Medicaid Expansion Map
- Medicaid Expansion FPL Grid
- Family Glitch Calculator
- HHS Releases Notice of Benefit and Payment Parameters 2024 Final Rule – Bulletin
- Compliance / Consumer Consent Requirements
- Changing Agent of Record (AOR) by Carrier – Resource Guide
- Keeping your ACA Clients/AOR/Retention (2/20/24) – Webinar | PPT Slides
Step 2:
Get Ready to Sell - Required Steps
Certify, Contract & Enrollment Platform
Complete the following steps to get ready to sell:
- 2a. Watch the ACA Prep Class
- 2b. Complete your FFM (CMS) Certification (Required)
- 2c. Complete State Based Exchange Certifications (if applicable)
- 2d. Get contracted (Required)
- 2e. Set up your Health Sherpa platform (Required)
- 2f. Compliance, Enrollment Process deep-dive & Sales/Marketing Tools (Required)

Watch the ACA Prep Class
Note: This class is for agents who are not already selling in the marketplace. If you are a current health agent, you can skip this training.

Complete your FFM (CMS) Certification
All agents marketing ACA health plans in FFM states are required to complete the CMS Certification.
All blue states in the map below are FFM (Federally Facilitated Marketplace) states.
Most ACA carriers require agents to have this certification completed prior to contracting. Click below for CMS Certification Instructions.

Complete State Based Exchange (SBE) Certifications
States running a State-based Marketplace Exchange (SBE) are responsible for performing all marketplace functions for the individual market. Consumers in these states apply for and enroll in coverage through marketplace websites established and maintained by the states.
All agents marketing ACA health plans in any of the state-based exchange states (yellow states on map) must complete a state specific certification in order to sell ACA/marketplace plans in that state.
States with their own SBE include AR, CA, CO, CT, DC, GA, ID, KY, ME, MD, MA, MN, NV, NJ, NM, NY, OR, PA, RI, VT, VA, WA.

Watch the ACA Prep Class
This class will tell you EVERYTHING you need to know to get started and start selling. And we'll show you ALL of the marketing and training tools that we make available to Peek Performance agents!

Complete your FFM (CMS) Certification
All agents marketing ACA health plans in FFM states are required to complete the CMS Certification.
All blue states in the map below are FFM (Federally Facilitated Marketplace) states.
Most ACA carriers require agents to have this certification completed prior to contracting. Click below for CMS Certification Instructions.

Complete State Based Exchange (SBE) Certifications
States running a State-based Marketplace Exchange (SBE) are responsible for performing all marketplace functions for the individual market. Consumers in these states apply for and enroll in coverage through marketplace websites established and maintained by the states.
All agents marketing ACA health plans in any of the state-based exchange states (yellow states on map) must complete a state specific certification in order to sell ACA/marketplace plans in that state.
States with their own SBE include AR, CA, CO, CT, DC, GA, ID, KY, ME, MD, MA, MN, NV, NJ, NM, NY, OR, PA, RI, VT, VA, WA.

Get Contracted
Must watch video! Watch the video below to learn how to track your contracts and make sure you get paid!
Get contracted with the ACA & Non-ACA Carriers in your state. You can click the map below to see which carriers are available in your state(s).
After you complete the Contract Request Form, use this ACA Contract Checklist & Agent Support Guide to ensure you get fully appointed with all carriers before you sell!

Set up your own Health Sherpa platform
Health Sherpa is the leading enrollment platform for Marketplace plans and is completely free for agents.
Click here for set up instructions to create your own Health Sherpa platform for enrolling clients in ACA Marketplace plans.
Ensure you have connected your FFM Account to your HealthSherpa account to maintain EDE functionality. Click here for steps and to learn more.
To ensure you get paid on business submitted through Health Sherpa, you MUST note your licensed states & carrier appointments in your Health Sherpa platform.
Need to confirm your state appointments with each carrier? Click here for broker portal links & ACA Agent Support numbers
Click button below for Health Sherpa FAQs and training on Health Sherpa.

Compliance, Enrollment Process & Sales Tools
Watch Now: Deep Dive on Completing an ACA Enrollment
ACA CMS Compliance Training:
ACA CMS Compliance:
ACA Marketing/Sales Tools:
- ACA Client Data Sheet / Health Survey
- 2024 FPL (Federal Poverty Level) Guidelines – for Coverage Year 2025
- ACA Carrier pages
Step 3: ACA Basics & Cash Flow Sales
Complete the following training courses:
ACA Classes:
- 3a. ACA for Rookies
- 3b. What every new agent needs to know
- 3c. ACA University
- 3d. Which Plan is Best for my Prospect? and and How to Compare Non-ACA Plans
Health Market Affiliated Classes & Resources:
- 3e. Manhattan Assurance
- 3f. Detego Health / Population Science Management (PSM)
- 3g. Performance HRA / ICHRA Platform
- 3h. Want to build a Successful Agency? Let’s Talk!
- 3i. ChatGPT ACA AI Agent

What every new agent needs to know
New (or New-er) to ACA? This class will help you a TON!
Clay Peek and some of the PPI Team share helpful info for new agents. We’ll help you launch HARD this Open Enrollment Period.
2022 ACA Blast Off
NOTE: Reference to referral fees was for 2022 OEP. Because Health Sherpa has significantly increased their “Referral Fees” PPI will not be offering additional payments for referrals placed in our NPN.

ACA University
Topics Include:
- Part 1 – Help Current Clients/Find New Ones – “Addition”
- Part 2 – How to Multiply clients
- Part 3 – Conquering ACA Open Enrollment
Track your progress:

Which plan is best for my prospect? and How to Compare Non-ACA Plans

Manhattan Assurance
Learn how to make your 2nd/3rd sale with Manhattan Assurance Ancillary Plans: GAP Plans, Accident, Cancer, Critical Illness, Dental/Vision/Hearing, Life & the Lighthouse Series! Agents receive personalized Online Enrollment link.
To request a contract, click here to complete an Agent Contract Request form, and select “Manhattan Assurance” under Ancillary Plans.
For more details, visit the Manhattan Assurance Carrier Page. Click Start Course below to view Manhattan Assurance & Lighthouse Series training videos.
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Population Science Management (PSM)
Learn more about PSM (Population Science Management) by watching the Certification video below.
Click below to access the PSM Certification & Resources (Brochures, Plan details, etc.).
Note: You must request access to the PSM platform by completing the link below. Make sure you also have created a user account on this site. Please allow 1-2 business days for your user account to be given access.
Click here to request access to PSM Certification & Recruiters’ Resources.

Performance HRA/ICHRA Platform
Click below to access the Performance HRA Training & Agent Resources.

Note: You must request access to the Performance HRA platform by completing the link below. Make sure you also have created a user account on this site. Please allow 1-2 business days for your user account to be given access.
Click here to request access to Performance HRA Training & Agent Resources.

Want to build a Successful Agency? Let’s Talk!
Are you an agency owner? Learn Why 834+ Agencies Partner with PPI!
- We do the heaving lifting with Contracts, Commissions, Compliance and Marketing Training so you can focus on selling and recruiting.
- Be invited to a PPI Marketer’s Summit at our HO for additional training.
- Agent data where you live, Free!

ChatGPT ACA AI Agent
This AI Agent has been set up and trained to answer questions about ACA.
The information provided with this ChatGPT AI Agent is for informational purposes and is intended to support licensed health insurance agents in understanding the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and related health insurance regulations. While ChatGPT strives to ensure the accuracy and timeliness of the information presented, regulations and policies are subject to change. Agents are responsible for verifying all information with official sources, such as, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), and state-based exchanges. We do not provide legal or tax advice. Any decisions based on the information provided are made at the agent’s discretion.

A Simple ICHRA Solution
Learn more in Step 6 below

IHA Health
IHA Health (Insurance for Healthy Americans) is a Group of One Health Plan, with all 10 “Essential Benefits,” no annual or lifetime limits, and if approved, no Pre-Ex limitations. This program is only available to reasonably healthy business owners, self employed, and 1099 (full time) – not available to those who only earn income as a W-2 employee.
If you have not completed your IHA contract yet, CLICK HERE to request your contract link. Once you complete the contract, this training course will be opened up.
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Agent Assist & Agency Assist
Virtual Assistant to Grow Your Business
Thursday, Oct. 24th @ 2 PM ET

Selling Group without Selling Group
Don’t walk away empty handed – Get the Group!
You open the door an engage our team. Our team will sell, enroll and service the client. You make a monthly PEMP for as long as the client stays.
Tuesday, Oct 22 @ 2:00 PM ET

HMA (Health Matching Accounts)
The HMA® (Health Matching Account) is the ultimate
medical savings account available that will bring you
life-changing health and financial benefits.
The HMA® secures you up to $2 in medical benefits or
more for every $1 that you contribute into your
account on a monthly basis as the program progresses.
Watch our training course below to learn more! Click here to view the HMA page for marketing tools & resources.
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Learn more about the ERC (Employee Retention Credit) and how to create new clients (small businesses) that you can sell Health, Life, Ancillary and Senior products to by offering the business owner something of SIGNIFICANT VALUE… CASH!
Click here to complete the ERC Agent Agreement. Once your agreement has been processed, you will have access to the course and resources below.
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InPocket GAP Plan
Make a bronze plan work like gold! The InPocket Plan is secondary insurance that fills the holes in primary insurance.
Most ACA health insurance plans leave you with over $6,000 in out of pocket costs. Bronze plans have a maximum out of pocket of over $9,000! The InPocket Plan helps you keep more of that money IN your pocket! It is a secondary insurance plan that works alongside your primary plan to fill in the expenses that you are left to pay.
InPocket Plan Intro
Click below to view additional plan details, agent resources, enrollment process, and additional training videos on these plans.

Income Optimizers
Want to open insurance sales with businesses AND make a monthly recurring income? This tool brings immediate value to “Retail” businesses AND will earn you the trust and credibility necessary to have the “Insurance Conversation” with them.
Once you have completed your contract, you will receive access to the additional training videos and resources in the course below.
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Set up your SEO Website
Peek Performance has a turn-key SEO website option for our agents, with an introductory offer of $49/month. NO long-term software contracts. All month-to-month.
Step 4: HIU & Advanced Training
*Note: Some classes have ACA contracting requirements
Health Insurance University*
The HIU (Health Insurance University) courses are open to agents who have all required ACA appointments through Peek Performance. If you need to speak with our marketers about which carriers are required, call 877-612-7317.
HIU includes 7 courses to help you sell to small businesses/entrepreneurs. Clay Peek will teach you how to be a Health Insurance Pro!
Topics Include: How to call prospects – Actual calling scripts & role play; How to make a sales presentation; How to “combo” sell, Advanced Health Marketing & More. Click here for a course overview & to start training.
Track your progress:
Advanced Training Course*
This advanced training course is for fully appointed PPI agents only. ACA contracting through PPI will be required to access these classes:
- Talking to Small Business Owners and B2B Selling
- How to Call Aged Leads
- Reading Health Policies
- Tail Pipe Selling – Maximizing Your Client Base
- Expanding Client Base & Aged Leads Effectiveness
Track your progress:
Step 5: Special Markets Training & ACA Marketing Tools
This section includes the following Advanced Marketing Courses and Resources:
- ACA Marketing Tools & Lead Resources*
- Family Glitch Training & Marketing Tools*
- Nonprofit Sales Training*
- Selling ACA to Low Income Individuals & Families*
- Maximize your SEO Insurance website & multiply leads!
*Note: Some courses and resources have ACA contracting requirements. Call 864.228.2635 to request access.
ACA Marketing Tools & Lead Resources*
- Click here to access Lead Resources & ACA Marketing Tools (Client Data Sheet, ACA Fliers, Facebook Ad images)
Family Glitch Training & Marketing Tools*
The Family Glitch has been fixed! Are you ready to help the 5.1 million eligibles? Now, the “DEPENDENTS” of employees can get a subsidy if they financially qualify.
Here are some resources so that you can learn more about these changes in the market:
Start the course below to access Family Glitch Marketing Tools & Training, including Employer & Broker presentations.
Track your progress:
Nonprofit Sales Training*
Watch the “Introduction to Nonprofit Marketing” video below.
Click “Start Course” to access additional tools & training. This course includes:
- Introduction to Nonprofit Marketing
- Nonprofit Marketing Tools
- Clay and his local team discuss outreach to private schools and nonprofits
- Deep Dive into a Massive ACA Sales Space – From Clay’s live training in Sept 2023
Track your progress:
Selling ACA to Low Income Individuals & Families*
- Learn how to sell ACA 12 months a year to low income individuals & families.
Track your progress:
Maximize your SEO Insurance website & multiply leads!
This course will explain the process of setting up your SEO (Search Engine Optimized) website, and teach you how to maximize this site to DRAW Health & Medicare LEADS to you! Your brand, your sales links – your LEADS.
Watch the advanced training class on SEO multiplication and learn how you can engage P&C agencies for both THEIR profit and YOURS!
We’ll teach you how to multiply your leads and sales through additional marketing tools and techniques that are even more valuable to you. We’ll also explain the many benefits of using SEO websites and how to expand your incoming warm referrals.
Track your progress:
Step 6: Using ACA to Create/Collapse Small Employer Groups
CSG: Create/Collapse Small Groups Training*
Learn how to use ACA to replace Small Group Health Plans! Save Employers & Employees Money, and get the Employer to pay for 2-4 Additional Insurance Plans! This course includes over 12 hours of in-depth training to teach you step-by-step how to succeed in this market.
This is “Next Level” selling … and it will add HUNDREDS of clients to your account. You can do this 12 months a year.
*Note: There are contracting requirements to access this advanced course, including having your ACA, Manhattan Assurance and National General appointments through PPI. If you are a fully appointed ACA agent with PPI, call our office for access – 864.228.2635. There is also a $99 fee to access this course. If you attended and paid for a live agent CSG bootcamp event that PPI previously held, then this fee will be waived. Call our office for more details.
If you already have access to this course, marketing resources are currently being added and can be accessed by clicking “Start Course” below.
Learn how to use ACA to replace Small Group Health Plans! Save Employers & Employees Money, and get the Employer to pay for 2-4 Additional Insurance Plans! Watch the introduction video below to learn more. To engage in this opportunity, request access* to the full Collapsing Small Groups training course below. This course includes over 12 hours of in-depth training to teach you step-by-step how to succeed in this market.
This course covers the following topics:
- CSG 101 – Collapsing Groups – Foundations – Clay Peek
- CSG 201 – Collapsing Small Groups to Individual ACA Plans – Clay Peek
- CSG 301 – Persistency & Safety! The TCDP System – Terry Garrett
- CSG 401 – Expert Tips on opening business from a Worksite Pro – Brian Hicks
- CSG 501 – Tools for Success
- CSG 601 – Prepare to Sell
- CSG 701 – Marketing Results & Debrief
- CSG 801 – Applying Transition Consulting Direct Pay
Transition Consulting: Resources & Additional Training:
- Advanced Training for TCDP
- QR Code, Quote Tool and Resources
- CSG: Case Study
- CSG: Choke Points for New Agents
- CSG: Awesome Sales Tools
- Collapsing Groups Q&A
- Welcome Video for Employers
Additional Product Training:
- Manhattan Life Group Set Up, Disability Income & New Select Dental
- Colonial Life/Worksite Sales Intro
This is “Next Level” selling … and it will add HUNDREDS of clients to your account. You can do this 12 months a year.
*Note: There are contracting requirements to access this advanced course, including having your ACA, Manhattan Assurance and National General appointments through PPI. If you are a fully appointed ACA agent with PPI, call our office for access – 864.228.2635. There is also a $99 fee to access this course. If you attended and paid for a live agent CSG bootcamp event that PPI previously held, then this fee will be waived. Call our office for more details.